life in Mercyville

But I just pulled those weeds!

A refreshing morning, routine in every way, I walked to water the flowers by the mailbox. As I walked back up the sidewalk something caught my eye. There in the flower bed amid the flowering bushes and ornamental grass were...weeds! What? How can that be?! I just pulled those weeds last week. I am certain that I got them from the roots too. In frustration I knelt down and began to pull those same weeds, making sure to get them from the roots again. My morning just went  from refreshing to one of dismay. With sweat beginning to bead up on my brow I grumbled to myself that it just wasn't fair. I did this work last week.

Later as my routine day continued, I went about my work. It only took one thought. Suddenly, feelings of being overwhelmed swept over me. "I should be doing this. I should be doing that. BUT I am only one person!" Wait. Didn't I deal with this last week? Didn't my best friend tell me that I was the only one putting these expectations on myself? Did I not lay this at the feet of my Savior? Did I not confess this pride of feeling like I need to do it all?  Yes. I knew in my heart that I had gotten to the root of these feelings - my pride. I confessed it, had been forgiven, and felt the peace of Jesus completely.

God is teaching me. I am a slow learner. Weeds, like sin, must be dealt with daily. Once a week will not get it.  Of this I am certain, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. Good post.

    Thank God, Christian maturity means that some weeds get gone for good. But there are still daily struggles, with new habits, new attitudes, and just plain apathy.
