life in Mercyville

Join me at the table this Christmas

The King has prepared a wedding feast for his son, everything is ready, everyone is invited. There’s plenty of room at this table. He has invited us all, good and bad - from the lowest to the highest officials, from the poorest to those filled with greatest of this world’s riches, the feeble-minded to the most learned of academia - you are invited. Have a seat next to the beggar, the blind, the orphaned, the widowed, the downcast and the marginalized - so many have gathered, enjoying the feast already.

I have been a believer for many years, trusted Jesus as my Savior when I was nine years old. This season I was reminded to enjoy the party! Reminded of this truth...
I get to enter the banquet hall, join the celebration, dine on the best of foods and wine, be in the presence of the King and his son - enjoying the feast now, the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Not because I am worthy, not because my good deeds outweigh my bad, but because Jesus made it possible.

Maybe you are like me, you know all about the banquet. Many times you've enjoyed the presence of the host himself, but busy-ness, everyday life, ministry, schedules to keep up with have you distracted and before you know it you’ve lost sight of the banquet. You're too busy for the host and certainly not taking the time to invite others to the table. It's a good season to reflect on the wedding feast, his kingdom, be reminded of his goodness, enjoy the party, and invite others to the table.

If you never realized you are invited or in the past have said no, like so many who “would not” come. Perhaps in the past you thought yourself too busy, better things to do, found the host too demanding, looked at yourself thinking you were not worthy, or wanted no part because of hurts from the past.

Let today be different. Let me be the one to say, “Come to the party!” You, my friend, are on the guest list. This Christmas join the wedding feast! Your Bridegroom - Jesus, has covered the cost, provided wedding garments (his robes of righteousness), and wants you at his table. At his table there is fellowship, truth, forgiveness, transformation takes place, joy is abundant despite circumstances and heartaches that are all too real and rest for the weary is provided. 
Join me at the table this Christmas.

Matthew 22:1-14, the parable of the wedding feast