Much of what I write includes articles, blog posts, devotions, curriculum, and training materials for ministries...and storytelling - for print & web content.
Reinventing Family Night article in Thriving Family Oct/Nov 2013
Why I write: Words Stir Me
Contact Merissa
Latest published works include:
Contributing author to Brilliantly Made
Easter and Christmas devotions 2014 for CTA.Reinventing Family Night article in Thriving Family Oct/Nov 2013
Diving In - 13 lesson study of God's Word for children!
an article in the Nov/Dec issue of K! Magazine about missions in children's ministry
a parenting article in Jan/Feb '12 issue of Thriving Family
Kids on Mission article & Puzzle in April '12 Pockets, a devotional for children & another to be published in September '12...
SHINE devotion for CTA,inc - it will be available with their SHINE children products!
Advent Devotion in Thriving family, Nov/Dec '12 SHINE devotion for CTA,inc - it will be available with their SHINE children products!
I had the privilege of collaborated 2011/2012 with 2nd Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN on writing curriculum for Wednesday night missions lessons that keep with the virtue the children are being taught Sunday mornings!
Other projects include writing their stories for Rice Bowls, and keeping it personal here at Mercyville!Why I write: Words Stir Me
Contact Merissa