life in Mercyville

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh, giving gifts with meaning

When our children were still very young, with a desire to keep us focused more on Jesus and less on  the consumerism of wants, we began the three the wise men brought to Jesus. Each year we retell their meaning and celebrate together God becoming man, taking on flesh as a baby lying in manger who would one day grow to be a man and take on our sins for our salvation!

The 'gold' gift is symbolic to show Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. As the magi gave this to Mary and Joseph it may have been God's provision to allow them to flee from King Herod and escape from Bethlehem and travel to Egypt. This gift was significant to Mary and Joseph, so choose a gift to give your children that is significant and of great importance to them. It can be a trip (just include a map with the destination marked). The 'gold' gifts often end up being the most expensive presents. However, not each year! This year our son really wanted a specific Nerf football, so yes, it is his gold! He will find two wrapped, one for him and one to take to Costa Rica to share and play with the boys there in the barrios.
The 'gold' gift is wrapped in gold shiny paper and ribbons or bows.

Frankincense is a white resin/sap from trees in East Africa and Southern Arabia. Even today it is known for its antiseptic, anti- fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. In ancient times it was probably looked at as the first "cure-all" medicine. What a great gift for Mary to have with a young one around. In Exodus 30:34-37, God instructs that frankincense be used as sacred incense in His Temple. It was to be placed "in front of the testimony in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you.” says the LORD to Moses; the very place where God promised to meet with them. Jesus is our Emmanuel: God with us. The frankincense gift is to be something that helps our children meet with God. This can be a new study Bible, especially as they advance in reading and comprehension. This gift can be a new Itunes gift card for worship music, book, magazine, devotional or DVD.
With frankincense being white, the 'frankincense' gift is wrapped in white paper and ribbon.

Myrrh is also a resin from trees. It is dark and earthy in color and has a rich aroma. It was used to scent oils, perfumes and embalming liquids. Today it is still added to some soaps, oils and lotions. Jesus was born to eventually die to save us from the penalty of our sins. John 19:39-40 confirms that Nicodemus anointed Jesus as part of His burial preparation. The myrrh gift for our children is something to anoint their bodies (or wear). This can be something as simple as lotions or bubble bath or a desired clothing item.
Wrap this gift in brown paper packaging and tie it up with string or raffia.

May your family celebrate with the wonder the gift of our Savior this Christmas!


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