Strength and resilient faith shown in their deep brown eyes. Some young and some quite aged sat surrounding us as we shared a meal together in Bangalore, India.
They shared their stories of being widowed. A few were left with little when their husbands passed away and others were rejected, renounced by family and made to leave their home because of their faith. One by one they shared their stories.
When asked how we could be praying for them, one elderly widow spoke up. In her native tongue she said, "That we will not be forgotten." As quickly as she said it a broad smile stretched across her face, wiping away the deep sorrow that had just been there, "But God has not forgotten, he sent you."
Moved to tears and beyond words my friend and I could only nod, smile, and extend our hands to hold their hands.
You and I have an opportunity to let these women, over 300 of them, know that they are not forgotten this year. We would like to give them a gift of a beautiful sari, their traditonal dress, this Christmas. Each sari is only $6.
I have personally had the blessing of being able to place these in their hands a few years ago. You cannot imagine the joy that fills their hearts from this simple act. For these widows this will be the only new sari they get all year.
Maybe this year a sari, or two or ten, could be on your Christmas shopping list!
You can email or direct message me if you want to be a small part of letting these women know that they will not be forgotten.