The best ideas in ministry, parenting, running a household, decorating, or creating are usually borrowed and we make them our own.
Using technology to grow my knowledge, my creativity, resources, and ministry - you should too!
Check out Pinterest, a social pinboard, where you can pin your interests & share them with others.
Words that Stir - some Scripture, some that inspire, some that make me laugh until I cry!
Missions & Children's Ministry - ideas & resources
All the World's a classroom - more ideas, links to blogs, fun & creative stuff
Oh, helpful tip - set your time and limit yourself each day - if all you do is pin and never apply or try these new ideas - well, that's called time wasted!
Hmmm. I've been hearing about this. Perhaps I should take the plunge.
Plunge Dr. LaBar ~ incredible ideas/tips on photography too!